Well, what can I say about this section of my site...
This is the place where I put various stuff I made or like. ^__^ This basically could be everything. Right now, there are only some selfmade midis, but I'll add more stuff when I feel like it. ^__^
..:: Midis ::..
Fanfare (The Theme of Cpt. Chaos) |
One of the very first midis I ever made. This is a midi I made for one of my comic-characters. Until now, he never appeared in any story, but perhaps he will. It doesn't sound like the best midi ever, but it has got a nice melody. |
Cpt. Chaos *REMIX* (version 2) |
This is a variation of the above midi file. I made it more than one year after I had made the first one. It's sounds much better and is in my opinion the best midi I ever made ^__^ |
Comic |
This is a midi I did before the Cpt. Chaos Remix. I was trying to get some practice with the midi programm I use. It turned out rather well. |
..:: Art ::..
The Elk |
A wallpaper I made of the characters from one of my games. It turned out very well. |
Sleech |
He is one of my charas. He didn't appear in any story yet, but I'm currently using him in an RPG. |
..:: Window Sitters ::..
(You'll need the OtakuMascot program from OtakuWorld to use these)
..:: Game Libs ::..
..:: Kiss Dolls ::..
(You'll need the PlayFKiss program from OtakuWorld or similar to use these)