Okay, this is it. My very personal site about kamishibai ^__^
You might think now: "What the heck is kamishibai?"
Kamishibai is a cool little storytelling-program which I think is best described as the best compromise between a comic and a cartoon.
For more information visit OtakuWorld.
This is the place where I present my very own stories. Clicking on a name will lead you to a site in OtakuWorld were you'll be able to download the file. I hope you enjoy reading them. ^__^
With time, I'll expand this section to contain more information about a specific kami.
Please read my icon-explanation to get familiar with the icons which I use to specify the genre of each story.
..:: My Kamis ::..
Dracula (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) |
Follow the adventures of Simon and Zippa who are on their way to stop the reincarnated Count Dracula. |
Magical Madness (1),(2a),(2b),(2c) |
When a boy wished that his life should be more exciting, he gets more than he can handle... |
Sailor Moon: A Sailor's Nightmare (1),(2),(3) |
A new evil from Egypt arrived and causes lots of havoc in Tokyo... |
The art of doing a truely bad kami |
This was the result of lack of sleep. It shows that doing a really bad kami is harder than you might think. |
Alien Diary |
This was also the result of lack of sleep. It contains musings of an alien on everyday human life. |